Is Kaja Beauty Cruelty-Free and Vegan in 2023?

by Becky

March 17, 2023

Kaja Beauty has the perfect bite-sized, easy-to-apply products for anyone on the go, and they are so close to being 100% vegan and cruelty-free.

Kaja Beauty is cruelty-free but not 100% vegan, meaning some products contain animal-derived ingredients. It does not conduct animal testing on its products or distribute cosmetics where animal testing is required by law.
Kaja Beauty was the first co-developed K-Beauty cosmetics brand to launch in the US in 2018. Sephora and Memebox wanted to create an innovative brand with products that were easy to apply and fun to use.

This led to their iconic Cheeky Stamp that got Kaja Beauty on the map. Social media fell in love with the cute heart shape stamps that were easy to apply and blend.

They’ve made an image for themselves as cute and made for any person on the go. They are cruelty-free and almost 100% vegan, but why have they left sustainability out of the conversation?

Looking for the best vegan alternatives? We preselected the best ones, click here.

Kaja Beauty Product Shot

Kaja Beauty Ethical Overview

Cruelty-free: Yes

Vegan: No but Kaja Beauty has vegan options

Clean ingredients: Yes

Sustainable & Ethical: Minimal efforts

Mica Mining Policy: No

RSPO Palm Oil Certified: No

Kaja Beauty is 100% Cruelty-Free

Test any of its products or ingredients on animals


Purchase any ingredients tested on animals within its supply chain


Distribute its products to any countries that require animal testing by law.


Kaja Beauty could be a bit clearer when it comes to their cruelty-free policy, but at least you’ll find some mentions of it. We can confirm that the brand is cruelty-free throughout.

Kaja Beauty is, however, owned by MBX, which can’t be considered cruelty-free when they own other brands that are associated with animal testing.

Kaja Beauty Does Not Test on Animals?

Since 2018 Kaja Beauty has been a cruelty-free brand. They do not test any products themselves or pay for third-party testing. 

What Is Kaja Beauty’s Cruelty-Free Status in 2023?

Kaja Beauty doesn’t have any standalone statements regarding its cruelty-free policy on its website, but Kaja Beauty clearly states in every product description that it is a cruelty-free brand.

Kaja Beauty Has No Cruelty-Free Certification

After 5 years of being a cruelty-free brand, Kaja Beauty has still not gotten any cruelty-free certification to verify their policy.

Any brand that claims to be cruelty-free should get certification to prove it because there is no real regulation without one.

Ideally, we’d like to see Leaping Bunny certification because not all companies are as thorough.

Leaping Bunny certification proves that:

  • No animal testing is conducted on the ingredients, formulas, or final products they sell.
  • No animal testing is conducted by the brand suppliers or on their ingredients or formulas.
  • No animal testing is done by someone else that the company paid for.
  • Any other form of testing (beyond ingredient and consumer safety), such as worker safety and environmental

Kaja Beauty Is Not Sold Where Animal Testing is Required By Law?

Kaja Beauty does not distribute any of its products to China or any country that requires animal testing on cosmetics by law.

China has a shocking track record. It is the country with the most animal testing globally, with over 20 million animals used per year.

However, if you live in China or are concerned about its cruel beauty policies, there are a couple of loopholes.

Here's how to find cruelty-free cosmetics in China: Are Cosmetics Made in China Cruelty-Free?

Kaja Beauty is Not Vegan

Kaja Beauty is so close to being 100% vegan. There is an extensive range of vegan products to choose from, and they’re easy to identify.

The only animal-derived ingredient that Kaja Beauty uses is carmine.

You’ll only find this ingredient in 5 of the 11 Beauty Bento eyeshadows. Be sure to stay away from these 5 shade stacks:

  • Rosewater
  • Orange Blossom
  • Sparkling Rosé
  • Glowing Guava
  • Spiked Ginger

If you're interested in which products are vegan or finding vegan brand alternatives – keep reading or click on this link: Kaja Beauty vegan products. 

What Kaja Beauty Products Are Vegan?

Other than the 5 Beauty Bento eyeshadows, Kaja Beauty is all vegan. You’re sure to find something you like.

To save you some time, here are some of Kaja Beauty's most popular and award-winning products to choose from: